April 13, 2014

House of Cards (Season 2)

Beau Willimon, 2014
If the first season of House of Cards didn't draw you in, you are completely insatiable. If you were putting off watching it as it collects dust on your queue, stop what you are doing and go watch it right now. It's likely better than what you are watching. The writing, acting, cinematography just emanates excellence with every shot. Kevin Spacey is at his best, at a point where its so surprising to see him outdo himself so deep into his career.

The second season dives in deeper. The ante is upped. The stakes are higher. There is an increased sense of suspicion on many fronts. There are more eyes watching. More threats in play. There are more moving parts at work. If the D.C. machine is a well-oiled machine, Frank Underwood is the smart-chip on the motherboard. He paints a picture of a backroom Washington that feels so terrifiyng. Reinforces the idea that perhaps ignorance is bliss. Maybe it's better to have a low profile, be an anonymous citizen, as long as our homeland is safe. And Frank can keep it safe, as long as he gets what he wants in the process. The ghosts of Frank's past continue to collect and follow him. You can almost hear their cries in the empty wood-carved den of his Washington brownstone.

Frank Underwood has become even more powerful, while also somehow growing even more diabolical. He is perhaps one of the most chilling television anti-heroes ever, right up there with Walter White or Tony Soprano. Just give him the Emmy now. Robin Wright continues to be so cold and so completely calculating. They are the true perfect political pair, and their dynamic is almost a nod to Bill and Hillary Clinton (of course way darker), you would expect them to sleep in separate beds because sexual relations would be considered a downgrade to their relationship. Michael Kelly is possibly the most underrated actor in the series (possibly on television in general) as brain-child Doug Stamper. He's just another one of Frank's close loyal aides who will stop at nothing to maintain Frank's towering position in government. Frank will reel you in and take care of you until he doesn't need you anymore. One can only hope that you prove yourself worthy of being considered irreplaceable. House of Cards is unapologetic. Unforgiving. It's so well-written, so suspenseful. It's going to be so interesting to see where this show goes. Frank Underwood is a pure megalomaniac, and his hunger for power seems to be endless. There seems to be no limit to what his character will do to grow bigger, and it seems like the series is going to only provide great story to parallel that expansion.

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